Artificial intelligence (Al) has become an important driver of progress in the field of mediacommunication, playing a key role in content recommendation, personalized services, data analysis, etcThe integration of Al technology and media strengthens the communications industry and makes ismarter, more personalized and more efficient, Generative Al tools improve the quality of content anduser experience, and promote the innovation and development of the media sector. At the same timeAl media also offers a new opportunity to shape a shared future. By disseminating information acrossregions and cultures, Al tools haveenabled a moreconvenient and efficient way of communicationaccelerating international exchange and collaboration, and facilitating a widespread process of jointefforts to achieve sustainable development. However, Al communication also faces many challengessuch as information imbalance, digital divide, etc. Therefore, we need to collectively address how topromote information sharing and drive inclusive development in the age of Al media. it is urgent tothoroughly study Al media communication, explore its impact on development at various levelsincluding individual, social and global, and design a new way to build an Al-powered, inclusive andsustainable shared future of global communication.
On the basis of the successful holding of the previous five Asia-Pacific Communication Forumsespecially on the occasion marking the 25th anniversary of Macao's Handover to China, the Asia-PacificCommunication Exchange Association (APCEA), together with the Asia-Pacific Communication ForumAlliance, llMacau), will hold the "Asia-Pacific communication Forum 2024" on August 17-18, 2024. Theconference will be held offline at the University of Macau, Macao Special Administrative Region andHengqin Guangdong-Macao in-depth Cooperation Zone,with online participation opportunitiesavailable, to discuss new media and communication issues under the new context of Al media in global communication.
The Asia Pacific Communication Forum 2024 will feature keynote speakers of distinguisheddiplomats, well-known communication scholars and industry leaders in Asia-Pacific. it thus calls forpapers from scholars and students majoring in journalism, communication and other related fiends inAsian countries and regions. Outstanding contributors will be notified to attend the conference. TheForum will offer the best paper awards. Excellent papers are on the priority list of consideration forpublication in the iournal of Asia-Pacific Communication Forum.
In order to enhance the methodological exploration of Asia-Pacific communication research andimprove scientific analysis capabilities, this Forum will continue to offer the APCFA workshop ofmethodology. The theme of APCFA workshop this year is: Generative Al tools and content analysisresearch.
The forum also plans a series of other cooperative activities, such as the UNESCO sub-forum, APCFAdoctoral sub-forum and the special media forum "Luso-speaking countries, media and Greater Bay Area(GBA), which is organized by Great Bay Express, an newly established English quarterly focusing on newsof the GBA in South China which including nine cities in Guangdong and two special administrativeregions of Hong Kong and Macao.
Forum Theme:
Al Communication: Empowerment and Shared FutureSub-themes (including but not limited to)
· Al media technology and communication
· Meta-universe and social development
· Intercultural Communication and World Cultural Heritage
· Public health and health communication
· Climate iustice and environmental communication
· Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Research
· Gender, women and social justice
· Population movements,refugees and social development
· Urban Development and Rural Revitalization
· Regional brands, public relations and international relations
· Nationallmage Research and Creative Communication
· Macao Handover and Media Development of Greater Bay Area
Asia-Pacific Communication Exchange Association (APCEA), Asia-Pacific CommunicationForum Alliance (MACAU) (APCFA)
Centre for Macau Studies, University of Macau, School of Communication, East ChinaNormal University
Macau Association for Internet Research (MAIR)
Partner Media:
China Daily Asia Pacific Edition; Great Bay Express
Macao Foundation
August 17-18, 2024. Conference venue: University of Macay, Macao SAR. Online participationopportunities are available.
Paper Submission:
Please submit your paper, or a 400-word abstract (English or Chinese), PpT (no morethan 15 slides) or creative videos (if any) to [email protected] before June 20, 2024. Selectedauthors will be informed before July 1,2024.
Conference Reeistration Fee: Offline participants: scholars: CN¥1200 (Us$200 or HK$1400). StudentsCN¥600 or equivalent. The registration fee covers the workshop fee, lunch meals, a reception dinnerand tea breaks in the conference, Participants will cover their own accommodation and transportation.
About ChiefOrganizers:
About APCEA:
The Asia Pacifc Communication Exchange Association (APCEA), located in the MacaoSAR, provides proactive support for academics and professionals in the communication and media fieldsin the Asia-Pacific region. APCEA promotes academic and educational exchanges in order to contribueto the filfillment of Macau's goal of becoming an international centre for education, academiccollaboration and creative industries.
Website: http:/
About The Asia-Pacific Communication Forum Alliance (Macao) (APCFA):
It is an internationanon-profit academic alliance registered in Macao. lt is initiated by the Asia-Pacific CommunicationExchange Association (APCEA) and the School ofCommunication ofEast China Normal University, anahas been joined by dozens of journalism and communication schools in the Asia-Pacific region. APCFAupholds the principles of openness, diversity and globalization, and aims to promote communication.solidarity and dialogue by establishing a network for communication and exchange among mediaprofessional and scholars in the Asia-Pacific region, We aspirate for a new pattern of globalcommunication ofcooperation, understanding, tolerance and peacefil development.